
Rural Action Film Festival including (Riverlight Eco Film Festival)

Showing local and international documentary, fiction, comedy, and animation cinema in short format films all related to the rural world, ecology, sustainability and natural resources.

Independent film makers from around the world have submitted their films within the suggested themes. 



Objectives of The Rural Action Film Festival

Raise awareness through the activities of the festival in rural ecology

Support and encourage local conservation groups

Contribute to the region’s sustainable development through film

Achieve greater promotion of the region and its surroundings


Contents of The Rural Action Film Festival

Ecological film Screenings of short films. In which the central theme is related to everything connected to the rural world. Everything from rural village life to agriculture, and all aspects in between. Serious drama, comedy, documentary, cartoons and animation.

By being an annual event, the festival will help further the message of ecology and sustainability, while promoting and encouraging the groups taking positive actions to achieve these aims.

We will endeavour to do this in a positive but enjoyable way.



Festival dates 19th-20th-21st June 2024


Sleaford Masonic rooms, watergate, Sleaford. NG34 7PG



Date and audience participation subject to any restrictions in force at the time.

All aspects regarding the organising and screening of the festival, will be by

rural action cinema, a section of …. Sleaford Climate Action Network.